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  5. Custom report tiles

Custom report tiles

A variety of report tiles seen in other default dashboards are available to use in your custom dashboard. With all these tile types at hand you can create the dashboard that perfectly fits your reporting needs.

The article Custom report tiles explains how to add report tiles. If you would like to use filters on your dashboard, check out knowledge base article Tile filtering.

Once you have added a report tile to your dashboard, you can adjust a number of settings, including the monitor(s) or monitor group(s), period, and which values to show. Click the settings button on the tile to access the settings.

The report tile types with their settings options are listed in this article.

Simple data list / chart

Select monitor(s)/monitor group(s), period and which values you want to show from the options General, Core Web Vitals, and W3C navigation. Note that the availability of values depends on your monitor type and other settings.

Note: Are you missing Core Web Vitals and/or W3C navigation timing metrics data in the simple data list or chart? Check the following: was the browser type of the Full Page Check or transaction changed to Chrome with extra metrics? In that case for the time before this change took place, there will be no data for the Core Web Vitals and W3C navigation (the extra metrics), hence nothing can be displayed. You can adjust the report period in the tile settings to only show the period from which on the Chrome with extra metrics was active.


The following options are available, also depending on your settings, for example, whether you have set up an SLA:

  • total, resolve, connection, and download times
  • uptime percentage, downtime percentage, uptime, and downtime
  • confirmed and unconfirmed errors
  • checks, alerts, and total bytes
  • SLA target uptime percentage, SLA target total time, SLA operator response target, and operator response time

Check out the knowledge base article Calculation of uptime and downtime for more information on the related metrics.

Core Web Vitals

The Full Page Check (FPC) and the transaction monitor both collect data for Core Web Vitals if the browser type Chrome with extra metrics was chosen. For these monitors the following (additional) data is available:

  • First contentful paint, largest contentful paint, time to interactive, total blocking time, and cumulative layout shift

Note that for transaction monitors you can show the metrics per individual step, if you have activated the Performance metrics inside the corresponding step setting.

W3C navigation

The Full Page Check (FPC) and the transaction monitor both collect data for W3C navigation timings if the browser type Chrome with extra metrics was chosen. For these monitors the following (additional) data is available:

  • Request start, time to first byte, DOM interactive, DOM completed, and load event

Note that for transaction monitors you can show the metrics per individual step, if you have selected the waterfall setting and activated the Performance metrics inside the corresponding step setting. The legend on the tile will clarify which graph corresponds to each step. Additionally, hovering over the graph will provide more detailed information.

screenshot simple data chart tile showing metrics for a step

screenshot simple data chart tile

screenshot simple data list tile

Monitor data list / chart

Select monitor(s) or monitor group(s), period, and then choose to display: SLA based on options,SLA uptime %, SLA target uptime%, SLA total time, SLA target total time, SLA operator responsetime, SLA operator response target, total time, checks, confirmed errors, uptime%, downtime (s),sort by options, and show row options.

screenshot monitor data chart tile

screenshot monitor data list tile

Error type list / chart

Select monitor(s) or monitor group(s), and period options.

screenshot error type list and chart

Checkpoint data list / chart

Select monitor(s) or monitor group(s), period, and then choose to display: total, resolve,connection, and download time, as well as checks, confirmed errors, and sort by options.

screenshot checkpoint data chart tile

screenshot checkpoint data list tile

Multi-checkpoint list / chart

Select monitor(s) or monitor group(s), period, and then choose which metric to display throughout the list or chart.

screenshot multi-checkpoint chart tile

screenshot multi-checkpoint list tile

Multi-monitor list / chart

Select monitor(s) or monitor group(s), period, and then select the metric that you would like to display via the list or chart.

screenshot multi-monitor chart tile

screenshot multi-monitor list tile

Last check details

Display when a monitor(s) or monitor group(s) was last checked, and select the period in which to display data.
screenshot custom report tiles monitor check details

Monitor log

Select monitor(s) or monitor group(s), period, and then select how to filter errors, and whether to show the report in an exported file.

screenshot monitor log tile

Alert history

Display the history of alert notifications on a by-monitor or monitor group basis, and filter data by period.

screenshot alert history tile

Step duration list / chart

For transaction and Multi-step API monitors and one monitor at a time only. Shows the duration of steps over time.

screenshot step duration chart tile

Average step duration list / chart

For transaction and Multi-step API monitors and one monitor at a time only. Shows the average duration of steps.

screenshot average step duration chart tile

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