Private Checkpoints
Uptrends' monitoring behind your firewall
You can now have a personal Private Checkpoint running behind your firewall. Monitor your intranet, web applications, APIs, and servers your team depends on every day.
Your hardware
Use your own hardware to run Windows Docker containers on. You keep the hardware and infrastructure running, we take care of the rest.
Our checkpoint software
Install the checkpoint by pulling the containers from our repository. Keep them up to date by pulling a new version. Easily automated.
Same great platform
The checkpoint works just like any other Uptrends checkpoint. We collect the data, you view the data in your Uptrends account.
Why use a Private Checkpoint?
Regular Uptrends checkpoints test your websites, APIs, and web applications, from your customer’s locations. But, what about your users behind your firewall? That’s the job of Private Checkpoints. Use your Private Checkpoint to monitor:
- Intranet
- Internal business applications
- External applications your users depend on
- Web services (APIs)
- Acceptance and other preproduction environments
- Infrastructure such as database servers, email servers, and SFTP servers

You’re in total control
You own and control your docker platform, we provide you with up to date containers. Make your containers redundant as you see fit. You still get all of the power of Uptrends. Use all of the monitors you’ve used externally to protect your internal users.

Use Private and Global checkpoints together
You select the checkpoints like you always have; it’s your choice to just use your Private Checkpoint, Uptrends global network of checkpoints, or both (you may want to do this for testing SaaS apps your team relies on). You decide.
Same great alerting
Use the same alert definitions as your external monitoring, or create new definitions to handle alerts generated by your Private Checkpoint. Get your alerting through SMS, email, Phone/voice, push, webhooks, and integrations like Slack and PagerDuty.
All the monitors and same great reports
Use the same availability, performance, and transaction monitors you use outside the firewall behind the firewall. You can access your data generated on your Private Checkpoint using the same pre-built or custom dashboards in your Uptrends accounts.
Ready for your own Private Checkpoint?
Awesome! To discuss your company’s exact needs, please hit the button below so our monitoring experts can get things rolling.
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