Web Application Monitoring

Your site might be up, but does it work well?

Meet Web Application Monitoring. Test if your website’s core functions, such as logins, signups, shopping carts and payment screens work, and know exactly what goes on when stuff breaks.

Start monitoring

General transactions

Set up transactions to monitor logins and logoffs, password reset requests, search, or the modification of account settings.


Record a script to go through the whole checkout flow: add items to a cart, fill in shipping details, and perform a payment.


Booking systems heavily lean on all kinds of dependencies. Perform a reservation, book a flight, or set up appointments.

SaaS applications

Ensure your customers can still signup, generate reports, interact with forms, or check if your chat service is still operational.

Testimonial photo of customer
“Anybody can create a recording without needing to know how to code.”
Jeferson Marques, Global Operations Analyst GEO at Neogrid

Manage the script yourself, or let our Support team help you

You might want to change your script when your site changes, and give it a test run before you activate it. The Transaction Editor lets you do all that (you can even build your script from scratch and skip the Recorder altogether), or we can handle the scripting and testing for you. Our Support team is there for you either way.

Set up your transaction scripts in the editor

Transaction Editor

If you have some basic knowledge of CSS selectors, you’ll find your way in the Transaction Editor. You can even work your way through the raw (JSON) script.

Free consultation

If CSS selectors and all aren’t your expertise, our team of transaction consultants can save you the hassle and fine-tune and test your scripts, free of charge.

Script replays

You can start testing and perfecting your new monitor the moment after uploading. Watch the progression of your test for easier script debugging.

Test runs

Use development mode to refine your script. When ready, switch to staging for a few test runs without affecting your production data. Feel confident? Move to production!

Testimonial photo of customer
“We can see issues that our customers in the real world see, before or at least at the same time they see them.”
Steve Timms, ICT Operations Manager at CoreLogic

Step load times

Test the speed of your individual step times around-the-clock, monitoring for bottlenecks, errors, and other performance trends.

Browser Snapshots

Select specific steps where you’d like to see a screenshot. See exactly how a page looks for every step of a transaction.

Waterfall charts

Trace files that are downloaded by the browser for every step and track down specific errors or elements that could be making your page run slow.

Shadow DOMs

Configure your transaction monitors to monitor (nested) shadow DOMs, whether authored in-house or by third-party vendors.

Testimonial photo of customer
“It’s like you are sitting behind the user and experiencing what they’re experiencing.”
Steven Andrews, Leader Application Support at Virgin Australia

Integrate into your workflow

Use the API to integrate transactions into your release management workflow and CI/CD processes without a hassle.

Version control your scripts

Save your scripts to your version control system, and quickly copy them from one monitor to another for easy modification.

Store credentials in the Vault

Keep your credentials and certificates safely encrypted in the Uptrends Vault. Only administrators can see the actual values.

Set up two-factor authentication

Verify your identity and access rights with APIs with our authentication methods, including OAuth 2.0 authentication.

Ready to start? Set up your first transaction in just a few clicks!

Getting started with Web Application Monitoring is easy. Simply sign up for a 30-day risk-free trial of Uptrends, add the free Transaction Recorder extension for Chrome, and configure. You’re up and running in no time!

Get started — it’s free
Quick take-aways in PDF format?
Get the features of Transaction Monitoring in a handy datasheet below.
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